Turkey Dinner - West Dalhousie Community Hall

Event Details:
Saturday, November 18, 2023
4:30 p.m.
Roast Turkey and all the fixings, homemade apple and pumpkin pie for dessert.
$17 per adult, 8.50 for youth aged 5 to 18, under 5 free.
We will be doing 2 settings, one at 4:30 , one at 5:30. Takeout available.
Please call Julie at 902-665-2493 or Cecile at 902-665-2197 to reserve your table or takeout order.
We will be accepting reservations until November 12th.
Date & Time:
Saturday, November 18, 2023 - 4:30pm
4868 West Dalhousie Road
West Dalhousie, NS
While we strive to offer the most current and accurate information on events and activities, we cannot guarantee details like times, dates, admission fees, cancellations, etc., that are subject to change. We suggest you contact the event organizer ahead of time to confirm the details.